Monday, August 15, 2011

Re-creating Ethos minecraft buildings - Day 12

DONE, I say DONE.  I finally was able to get all the silk I needed to complete the storage building!  Ever single storage slot now has a dispenser! Yeah!  I have a lot of cleanup stuff I want to do, but for now I think the basic Re-creating Ethos minecraft buildings is done.  I have chose NOT to do the peaceful mob spawn system for multiple reasons.  The first reason is it is really big, ugly and the water flow system is complicated and annoying to try and map out and follow.  I also really hate the big giant spawning pad, the barn, etc cluttering up the area as much as they do.  I still stuggle with surprising spawns under the cactus and tree farm structures because it is so dark, and I don't think I want to do that to all sides of the main storage building.

Some things I am looking at doing is moving the tree farm back to my normal underground controlled environment, and then changing the tree farm structure to be a seed farm or maybe even an automatic seed farm and small automatic cactus farm.  I have seen a couple of videos on putting timers on pistons to only have the pistons move every 5 minutes or so, and that looks really interesting.

I also have a lot of earth moving I want to do.  I want to level a bigger area around the Ethos storage building and prep the area to add more buildings that I really like.  I enjoy building the structures. I am Bob the Builder, not Arnold the Architect so I have been looking over schematics people have done and will probably start building some of those.  My eyes are on a modern house and a steamboat right now.

So thanks for reading and I will continue to add posts as I update the buildings and maybe someday I will even add a peaceful mob system, maybe :)

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